Training Opportunities for Youth consists of three unique pre-employment and employment services aimed at supporting youth with skills to join the labour market.


Training Resources for Youth (T.R.Y)

T.R.Y is a program for youth, 16-29, who are not in the regular school system, have barriers to finding employment, engaging in school or training.

Referrals can be made by the individual, their family members, care givers, Child and Family Service workers, Probation officers, Educational workers, and other agency workers from different fields.


T.R.Y is a 12-week group based program for youth who are not in the regular school system and are facing barriers to finding employment.

This program consists of:

  • A 6-week in class training that covers pre-employment, interview, resume building, and life skills;
  • A 3-week part time work experience assessment; and
  • A 3-week full time work experience with goal of obtaining employment.

Individuals in this program will have the opportunity to build the following skills, and work towards obtaining a work-related reference:

  • Resume building
  • Interviews
  • Job search
  • Researching a career
  • Cultural component
  • Food Handlers Certificate
  • CPR/First Aid Certificate
  • Young Workers Readiness Certificate
  • A .5 Grade 9 Career Development Credit

Training allowances for the class component and minimum wage for the work experience placements will be available.


pictures of the TRY program coming soon


To find out more about T.R.Y, or to register for our program, contact:

Training Resources for Youth
New Directions for Children, Youth, Adults and Families
1st Floor 717 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 0M8

204-786-7051 ext. 5256

Work 2 It

Work 2 It is an individualized program for high-risk youth, 16-29, that allows individuals the time required to reach their goals of entry into the workforce or return to school.

Referrals to the program are accepted by Probation Officers and Child and Family Service workers.


Individuals in the Work 2 It program will engage in the following:

  • Cultural Activities, Ceremonies and Teachings;
  • Life Skills; and
  • Pre-employment skills.

Work 2 It is an individualized program that offers time to stabilize with the goal to go back to school or enter the work force. Participants enrolled in this program have the opportunity to work towards the New Directions social enterprise opportunities or work placements in the community.

Training allowance are available for the classroom portion and minimum wage for work placements.


To find out more about Work 2 It, or to register for our program, contact:

Training Resources for Youth
New Directions for Children, Youth, Adults and Families
1st Floor 717 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 0M8

204-786-7051 ext. 5256

The Empower Project

The Empower Project (TEP) is a 3-year pilot project developed for young women who:

  • Are 12 – 17 years of age
  • Have diagnoses resulting from pre-natal exposure (FAS, FASD, ARND)
  • Are involved within the Justice system

Using an Indigenous lens and led by Indigenous staff members, The Empower Project will:

  • Assist participants to develop and increase their awareness of the mental health issues that emerge from their prenatal exposure to alcohol and to become attached to primary Traditional and Western mental health providers.
  • Increase participants’ social adaptive functional skills and increase their emotional and behavioral stability.
  • Increase participants’ sexual and reproductive health and knowledge through learning about and practicing healthy relationships, healthy sexuality and pregnancy and attachment to primary medical care providers.

The Empower Project Activities:

  • Comprehensive intake including biopsychosocial assessment
  • Circle of Care consultation and case planning
  • Late afternoon and evening programming (Tuesday – Saturday) utilizing a case manager and two mentors
  • Focus on relationship building and attachment
  • Regular and on-going cultural activities, including teachings from a Knowledge Keeper and participation in New Direction Opikihiwawin activities
  • Off-site one-on-one, and small group activities with mentor
  • Attachment of participant to primary medical and mental health providers


Participants may be referred through the FASD Youth Justice Program and associated Probation Officers

To find out more about The Empower Project, or to register for our program, contact:

Training Resources for Youth
New Directions for Children, Youth, Adults and Families
1st Floor 717 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 0M8

204-786-7051 ext. 5256