Our program philosophy is to offer supports tailored to the specific needs, hopes and circumstances of children and youth in dialogue with them, their significant others and their support system. Each person is an individual and each person has some knowledge of what they want and where they want to live. We attempt to support the children to meet their personal goals. Child Home Services offers alternatives through a flexible continuum of services guided by our Roots approach.
Child Home Services
Strong roots give children and youth a safe foundation that supports their growth, allows them to explore the world and to take the risks to pursue their dreams trusting that the connections they have will hold, nurture, and guide them. The models Roots develops are based on what is needed to strengthen these roots. Children and youth are not expected to “match” a model, but Roots works with children, youth, their guardian and the referring agency to develop the service and walks with them in the path towards the desired outcomes, adapting services accordingly.
All services pursue the same end point: support children and youth to settle in a living situation where they can develop roots. This can involve reunification with parents or significant others, living independently or transitioning into the adult system of supports:

Referrals come from Provincial agencies and recognized Child and Family agencies in Manitoba Saskatchewan and North-West Ontario.
If you have any questions, please contact:
204-786-7051 ext.5279
Community Homes for Children (CHC) offer a shared home environment, staffed 24/7, for children ages 8-12 or youth ages 13-18 where they can develop a sense of belonging and have opportunities to engage in a meaningful life, experience healing from past hardships and a healthy development, and pursue their goals and dreams.
Family Connections (CHS) offers supports for children and youth to have successful opportunities to fulfil their dream to reunify with their loved ones or to move into an alternative home (foster home) where they are loved, supported, can belong and contribute, and can keep meaningful connections with their family and community. Initial supports match the needs of children and family and are phased out as needs decrease.
Learn more at: https://newdirections.mb.ca/family-connections/
Family Stepping Stones offers supports for families who struggle with parenting due to various factors (e.g., substance use, mental health, lack of resources, trauma, lack of supports, etc.) and whose children are in care of CFS or at risk of coming into care. Roots creates a Roots family team with the parents, CFS, relatives, significant others, and the children to create a healthy nest for the children and develop plans with the family. The values that guide life in the home, the routines, and plans are set with the parents and/or relatives based on their culture and traditions. The home is also the parents’ home during the times when the parents are able to engage in routines, teachings, guidance, and support for their children. No sustained period is required, it is based on the functioning in the moment and the goal is to help build parenting skills and support meaningful attachment.
In the Landlord Mentor model youth get the opportunity to experience living in the community and develop independent living skills with individualized supports in place. The landlord has a dual role: regular landlord and mentor. The idea is for the landlord to be supportive and role model how to do some life skills (e.g., plan meals, manage budget, problem solve difficulties, connect with community members, etc.) but not intrusive or parental; to give enough time for the youth to settle and develop the skills to manage with supports and clear feedback rather than provide authoritative directions, enter into conflict, or evict.
The Independent living model offers supports for youth who have develop more basic skills to live independently with supports and are interested in starting to live more independently as they continue working towards their adult life goals (i.e., work, education, relationships, self-care, life in community, etc.), and solidify their independent living skills (i.e., fully manage their budget, keep up with work and education responsibilities independently, use community resources, take care of their mental and physical health, connect with significant others and community meaningfully).