Shift Staffed Homes

Shift Staffed Homes (SSH) provides a safe and secure, 24-hour residential support for adults labelled with an intellectual disability. People supported by SSH are contributing members in their communities and are supported to also find purpose and meaning outside of their home.

Additional resources embedded within the service include social, emotional, and medical health support, in addition to adapted physical environments to assist people with realizing their full potential.

Shift Staffed Homes provide a safe, secure home environment to assist people living with a disability to realize their full potential. Staff develop person-centered plans and resources in consultation with the person, family members, referring agency and day program personnel and/or school representatives.

Shift Staffed Homes has staffed residential care homes integrated into communities across Winnipeg and in Springfield, MB. In Winnipeg, residents live in areas such as St. Vital, St. James, etc.

Individuals 18+ can be referred for service by a Family Services and Consumer Affairs agency, one of the regional offices of Manitoba Family Services, or by Winnipeg Regional Health Authority; Community Mental Health Services.

Send your referral package to the S.S.H Program Manager. Please include recent social, medical, family, and school/vocational information, plus a covering letter outlining the request for service.

Looking for services outside of Winnipeg?
Regional Services provides a range of resources offered by New Directions in areas outside of the city of Winnipeg.

>Find Out More



204-786-7051 ext 2300



Below images are from a few of our Shift Staffed Homes.