Understanding Adolescents: Using Attachment to Support Development
Tags: Adolescents, Parents, Teenagers
This is a three-hour workshop designed to help parents and professional helpers recognize the importance of parent-adolescent attachment. Adolescent development will be explored to demystify the teenage years and help adults identify the specific roles they need to fulfill to meet the needs of the youth they support. Anyone who supports youth and would like to experience a different way of being in a relationship with them should attend.
Registration for Spring Workshops opens Feb. 14, Fall Workshops TBA.
Presenters: Kristine Pau
Certificate of completion available upon request. Contact: ftsadmin.assistants@newdirections.mb.ca
Registration closes a week before the scheduled date.

Kristine Pau is a clinician with the Family Therapy Services Program at New Directions. She has a Bachelor of Science from the University of the Philippines and a Master of Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Winnipeg. Kristine uses an Attachment and Trauma-informed approach in her work with individuals, couples and families. She has taught and supervises graduate students from the University of Winnipeg.