We are happy to announce that 6 weeks after the fire at 717 Portage Ave. we have been able to re-locate some core services that were provided at our main site. We will be renting two floors of space at 720 Broadway.
Several of our Training, Therapy, and Education programs will be able to resume some on-site activities while awaiting the restoration of our main office building.
In terms of the progress at 717 Portage:
The good news is that most of the furniture and equipment is salvageable. Many of our paper files are being cleaned and will be useable, with a potential slight smoky odour.
We are looking at 9 months for full restoration- amazing how fast a fire can completely knock out a building!
For now, we are grateful for getting a temporary home at 720 Broadway and we are grateful we can still provide services to individuals in our community.

Adult Day Services – Opening Its Doors
With the recent loosening of COVID-19 restrictions, our Adult Day Services (ADS) programs are able to re-open their doors to new individuals.
Pandemic restrictions forced ADS to close its doors to new individuals who could benefit from its services and even restricted the number of individuals who could attend every day.
Staff are looking forward to seeing individuals coming back to the programs, as well as all the new faces in the future.

M.A.C.C. Offers New Therapy Groups
Our Multidisciplinary Assessment and Consultation Centre (M.A.C.C.) offered Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) groups to individuals in our community.
Two, eight-session groups were offered, one focused on Depression and the second on Anxiety.

Pink Shirt Day
February 23rd was Pink Shirt Day. A day to take a stand against bullying.
Our Adult Day Services programs spent the day learning about bullying in its many forms and spent time making pink shirts of their own and writing things they liked about each other across them. (left)

March Trainings & Workshops
Our 2022 Trainings & Workshops continue in March, with one workshop being offered: Understanding & Working with Children and Youth Who Have Been Sexually Exploited.
Check out our March opportunities, and all upcoming training opportunities below.

Donate Now
Our community has always shown tremendous support for us, which has only been made more obvious since the fire.
We appreciate any and all donations you can make in our effort to recreate and/or replace Indigenous items lost by our Opikihiwawin program.
Consider donating on our Donation Page.