Resources for Adolescent Parents (R.A.P)

Resources for Adolescent Parents (R.A.P), is a New Directions program that offers a full-time high-school (Grade 9-12) curriculum to pregnant and parenting young women, 14-17 (18+ if in extended care of Child and Family Services)  in an on-campus Gordon Bell High School classroom.

A Winnipeg School Division Teacher provides educational support in the classroom. We also have two Case Managers, one Support Worker and a Coordinator.  Three New Directions staff provide support to ensure that students are motivated to attend school and earn their high school diploma. Counselling is provided when issues in the students’ lives interfere with attendance and focus. There is a cash incentive for attendance and participation.

R.A.P recognizes the strength and capability in the young women who attend. The success they achieve comes from their values, their inner strength and their motivation to be successful not only for themselves, but also their children and their Indigenous heritage.  The role of the RAP staff is to work with the strengths that exist in each student and to assist them in removing barriers to their success and to encourage them on in their journey.

Research into teen pregnancy demonstrates that having a baby as a teen does not have to halt one’s dreams and goals, because earning a high school diploma is the catalyst for success.

When contacting the R.A.P program to apply for school or to make a referral you will be advised:

  1.  If there is a spot available and an intake appointment will be scheduled.
  2.  If your name will be placed on a wait list along with an approximate time when an open spot is available in the classroom.

Once a spot has opened up, you will be contacted to begin the intake process.

The intake process consists of:

  1. A meeting with the R.A.P Coordinator or Case Manager
  2. A tour of the program
  3. Completing all paperwork.

R.A.P staff work with the students, their family and any members of their professional team to resolve any challenges that will help them achieve their goals.

R.A.P staff will refer students and their families to other resources when required/needed.

It is the R.A.P staff’s responsibility to ensure that any conflict in the classroom is recognized quickly and resolved so that the students are safe and supported in the program.

R.A.P students attend New Directions Indigenous Cultural activities as well as various activities in the community. An Elder is available to the class to provide teachings, conduct sharing circles, and meet one to one with the students.


In the summer R.A.P offers a recreational program with an emphasis on Indigenous culture and parenting.


Apply to R.A.P

For more information about R.A.P or to register contact:

Resources for Adolescent Parents
New Directions for Children, Youth, Adults and Families
1st Floor 717 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 0M8

(204) 786-7051 ext. 2220 or 2206.