Research Opportunities

Students & Professionals interested in Research Opportunities:

New Directions hosts the following groups interested in research opportunities:

  • Post-secondary Students who want to do research projects
  • Post-secondary Students who wish to research the services and populations that New Directions supports
  • Professionals engaged in Community Research projects

Below you can see two examples of current research projects:

If you are interested in partnering in a research project with us, send us an email. We will go through the New Directions Research Ethics Procedure.

Canadian Evaluation Society Conference - May 10 - 14, 2021

National Conference Poster Presentation at the Canadian Evaluation Society virtual conference held May 10 – 14, 2021. These posters illustrate a current research project funded by SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Grant) that Dr Aynslie Hinds was awarded to partner with New Directions on streamlining electronic information collection and storage systems (at Supported Independent Living, New Directions) in non-profit organizations.

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Reaching Out Program

New Directions’ Family Therapy program has partnered with CHIRP (Community Hub of Information and Research Partnerships – University of Winnipeg Volunteer Students program) to conduct an in-depth qualitative case study examining the multi-pronged approach to our Reaching Out project. The Reaching Out project helps families navigate challenging behaviours exhibited by children at home, in daycare, and classroom settings.

The case study examines interventions used to alter children’s behaviours, the experiences of past and present clients, and how the Reaching Out project differs from other behavioural therapies.  Working with New Directions in the Reaching Out Program has been a rewarding experience and I am grateful for all the insight and knowledge I have gained, not only from the program, but also from the individuals involved in the study.

Barriers and Enhancers of Info-structure, Evaluation, and Evidence Use at New Direction’s Supported Independent Living (SIL) Program

Researchers from the Universities of Winnipeg and Manitoba have partnered with New Directions to investigate the way information and evidence are processed by and utilized in the Supported Independent Living (SIL) Program. Staff in key roles will be invited to participate in an interview or focus group. The goal is to co-develop a framework and identify opportunities to boost the SIL Program’s use of information and evidence. This project is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Partnership Engage Grant).

“I highly respect New Directions for many reasons, including (but not limited to) their culture of learning, the importance they place on research and evaluation, their dedication to training and providing opportunities to students, commitment to partnering with post-secondary institutions, and the high quality of care and support they provide to Winnipeggers. I am honoured and grateful to work with New Directions’ staff. They are highly knowledgeable, engaged, and easy and pleasant to work with.”

– Dr. Aynslie Hinds, Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg

Psychology and Nursing students partnered on a literature review about Children and Youth in Residential Settings. (2016)
Deaf Home Supports staff (L to R: Cynthia, Megan, Ross, Aaron, and Jordan -Manager) from New Directions designed and carried out a research project about Valuable Apps for Deaf Individuals. (2016)
A Psychiatric Nursing Student completed her Final Practicum Research Project at New Directions carrying out a project that had been designed by another student the year before. The project explored the need for a drop-in counselling service at Supported Independent Living. This research project resulted in the drop-in counselling service being added to the service area. (2017)