Strategic Engagement: Creating A More Meaningful Focus With Families
Tags: Families, Caregivers, Children
This workshop examines some of the self-defeating solutions families attempt and ways this can confuse and distract helpers from establishing constructive working contracts with them. It will identify frequently encountered “process traps” and explore ways to increase maneuverability in creating a useful therapeutic focus.
In this workshop you will learn to:
- Use new frames to increase parents’ receptiveness to consider alternative approaches.
- Expand your repertoire of metaphors for change.
- Refine your skills for generating realistic and achievable outcomes.
- Be more deliberate about adopting a therapeutic stance.
This workshop is intended for clinicians who work with family situations and are looking expand their options in connecting with parents in ways that promote more meaningful therapeutic directions.
Registration for Spring Workshops opens Feb. 14, Fall Workshops TBA.
Presenter: Bernie Klippenstein
Certificate of completion available upon request. Contact:
Registration closes a week before the scheduled workshop

Bernie Klippenstein began his career as a childcare worker and mental health therapist and has been a family therapist and clinician with New Directions for 30 years. He has offered ongoing training for front line workers and child welfare workers for the duration of his time at New Directions. His clinical work with families is rooted in an eclectic use of a number of family therapy models. He approaches training with the view that much of the clinical work that happens in social work agencies occurs In contexts that create unique challenges in working therapeutically. He works to bridge therapeutic principles with clinical opportunities that present themselves in various social work roles, such as case management.